Code of Conduct

Greenwich Jr Premier Code of conduct for Players/Parents

At Greenwich Junior Premier, the culture of the program  extends beyond the playing field.  Parents are an important part of influencing and guiding their children. Parents will be responsible for their conduct both on and off the field and for contributing to the culture of the club. We expect and are confident that our players and parents will demonstrate the highest level of conduct and represent Westport Field Hockey to the best of their ability. 


  • Have respect for all WFH coaches and the program
  • Let the coach do his/her job, do not question playing time, strategy, other players, etc.
  • Applaud effort, good play and success
  • Show good sportsmanship towards the team and opposition
  • Do not coach from the sidelines which confuses players and undermines the coaches ability to coach effectively
  • Always respect the referee decisions, let the coach handle conflicts
  • Remain outside the field of play and away from the team’s bench
  • Encourage the players to respect their coaches, teammates, opposition, referees and other parents.
  • Avoid criticizing any player for making a mistake
  • Never engage in, or tolerate, offensive, insulting, or abusive language or behaviour with the players, coaches, referees or other spectators/parents
  • Be aware at all times that your behavior and conduct are a reflection of yourself, your children and the program.


GJP’s primary focus is for the players and the teams. It is important that parents be self-sufficient and understand that constant communication with the coaches can take away from their ability to focus on planning, developing the players and coaching to the best of their ability. We are establishing communication guidelines so that everyone is clear on what is acceptable, appropriate and equal, fair access for all.

First and foremost, PLAYERS (7th/8th) not parents are expected to communicate with the coaches with questions and issues. If necessary, we will follow-up with parents. 

Acceptable via email 

  • Communicate in advance about absences, schedule conflicts, etc. 
  • Health, personal, family or academic issues that will impact a player’s ability to participate
  • General administrative questions
  • Requests to discuss player development - the coach will determine if a discussion needs to be scheduled

Not acceptable

  • Approaching the coach at the field or in front of players/parents directly after or during a game
  • Calling or texting the coaches. Please allow at least 24 hours after an event before contacting unless it is an emergency. Please email and if necessary a time to discuss will be scheduled
  • Discussing playing time, team placement, position, roster size, strategy, etc.  These are coaching/program decisions, not parents or players.
  • Discussing, comparing other players or complaining about other parents is never appropriate and never acceptable. This type of discussion will not be tolerated. 


  • Parents/players may be issued warnings from coach/program or officials
  • Players playing time may be affected
  • Parents/players may be asked to leave the game/practice/event
  • Parents may be asked not attend future sessions/games
  • Parents/players may be required to leave the program